
Personality/Temperament Explorer
©Copyright Dale Cobb 2012 All Rights Reserved

Your personality is your natural state.  It is how you operate on autopilot. It is your spontaneous behaviors.  Personality is your preferred way of engaging the world.

The DISC Profile - most used strengths indicator by businesses world-wide.  Over 50 million people have used the instrument to communicate better and understand their talents and non-talents. 

Starts with only 4 basic behavior types naturally grouping several dozen traits that commonly show up together. 

Each letter in DISC represents a different trait grouping.  The 4 types combine into thousands of possible patterns reflecting the complexity of human strengths.

DISC first came to prominence in the military - it was widely used as part of the US army's recruitment process during the years leading to the Second World War. Having proved its value, it gradually came to be used in a business recruitment setting. 

4 Ways I Use It

Suggest Potential Job Matches

Identify Job Search Challenges

Use In Building Interview Strategies

Help Candidates Become More Comfortable Taking Assessments

Not Perfect

Premise: You are more likely to succeed at work that is complimentary to your personality or behavioral style preferences. The list below is based on the D.I.S.C. Assessment.  Print out this list and place a number from 1 - 10 next to each word depending on how much you think the word describes you.

___Directive - You like to give others direction on how to do things

___Direct - You tend to be straight forward and sometimes blunt
___Doer -  You are actively trying to accomplish things
___Determined - You tend to be relentless and persistent
___Decisive - You make up your mind quickly
___Destination - You know where you're going 
___Daring - You are comfortable with risk
___Dominant - You take charge
___Driving - You are intense
___Demanding - You easily ask others to realize a performance standard

Total Directive Score _______

___Interacting - You easily talk to people

___Influencing - You like to persuade people to do things
___Inducing - You offer others an exchange for doing something 
___Inspiring - You are motivational
___Initiating - You make contact with others
___Inclusive -  You bring others into the group
___Instigating - You often get the ball rolling
___Immediate - You are quick-witted and quick with the tongue
___Inviting - You make attractive offers
___Impulsive - You do things on the spur of the moment

Total Interacting Score _______

___Stabilizing -  You restore balance and equilibrium

___Steadying - You are consistent, regular and even-tempered
___Sincere - You are trustworthy and truthful
___Supporting - You are helpful and encouraging
___Standards - You keep and reinforce rules and regulations
___Sympathetic - You are compassionate, caring and concerned
___Social Same - You have a few close friends
___Sacrificial - You give to others even if it hurts you
___Serving - You consistently try to benefit others
___Slow - You tend to work at measured pace

Total Stabilizing Score _______

___Conscientious - You are meticulous and painstaking 

___Cautious - You are alert to dangers and downsides 
___Careful - You are attentive and deliberate
___Consistent - You tend to follow a logically ordered pattern
___Classifying - You put things into categories
___Comprehensive - You look at all the details and factors
___Contemplative - You like to think
___Controlled - You give measured responses
___Conceptual - You like to create and analyze theories
___Critical - You identify problems

Total Conscientious Score _______

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